Javascript built-in data structure - Set

This tutorial is a part of the Learn everything about Javascript in one course.

What is set and what it's used for?

  • Set is an none-ordered collection of information (string, number, ...).
  • A value in the Set is unique and may only occur once.
  • Set in Javascript is like the Set in Math.
  • In practical programming, set's usually used to keep track of a collection of values because checking if value is present in Set is fast (O(1) time complexity).

Ways to create a set

// Ways to create a set
const set1 = new Set() // wihout initial value
console.log(set1) // Set {}, empty set

const set2 = new Set([1,2,3, 'a', []]) // with some initial values
console.log(set2) // Set { 1, 2, 3, 'a', [] }

Get the count of values in Set, property size

Syntax set.size

// Get the count of values in Set, property size
console.log(set1.size) // 0, set is empty
console.log(set2.size) // 5

Add value to Set, method add()

Syntax set.add(value)

Input Process Output
value Add value to set the set itself
Modify original Set Time complexity (worst)
YES O(1)
// Add value to Set, method add
const set3 = new Set()
console.log(set3.add(1)) // Set { 1 }
console.log(set3.add(2)) // Set { 1, 2 }

Check if a value in Set, method has()

Syntax set.has(value). Although we can put any data types in Set but it's not recommended for non-premitive data types. Best practice is just string and number.

Input Process Output
value Check if a value in set true if value in set
false otherwise
Modify original Set Time complexity (worst)
NO O(1)
// Check if a value in Set, method has
const set4 = new Set([1,2,'a','b',[], [4]])
console.log(set4.has(1)) // true
console.log(set4.has('b')) // true
console.log(set4.has([])) // false, set does not recognize empty array []
console.log(set4.has([4])) // false, set does not recognize array [4]

Delete a value in Set, method delete()

Syntax set.delete(value)

Input Process Output
value Delete given value in set true if delete success
false otherwise
Modify original Set Time complexity (worst)
YES O(1)
// Delete a value in Set, method delete
const set5 = new Set([1,2,'a','b',[], [4]])
console.log(set5.delete(1)) // true
console.log(set5.delete(3)) // false
console.log(set5) // Set { 2, 'a', 'b', [], [ 4 ] }

Remove all values in Set, method clear()

Syntax set.clear()

Input Process Output
None Remove all values in Set undefined
Modify original Set Time complexity (worst)
YES O(n), n is set size
// Remove all values in Set, method clear
const set6 = new Set([1,2,'a','b',[], [4]])
console.log(set6.clear()) // undefined
console.log(set6) // Set {}

Loop through all values in Set, method forEach()

Syntax set.forEach(processFunction([value1, [value2, [originalSet]]])[, additionalArg])

Input Process Output
processFunction contain logic of what you want to do with each set value undefined
value1 a value in set
value2 equals to value1. Weird but..., that's how it is
originalSet is the set itself
Modify original Set Time complexity (worst)
NO O(n), n is set size
// Loop through all values in Set, method forEach
const set8 = new Set([1,2,'a','b',[], [4]])
const additionalArg = 'hello' // an variable we want to include in loop logic
set7.forEach((value1, value2, originalSet) => {
  console.log(`value1: ${value1}, value2: ${value2}, additionalArg: ${additionalArg}`)
}, additionalArg)
// 6 output on console for set size 6
// value1: 1, value2: 1, additionalArg: hello
// value1: 2, value2: 2, additionalArg: hello
// value1: a, value2: a, additionalArg: hello
// value1: b, value2: b, additionalArg: hello
// value1: , value2: , additionalArg: hello
// value1: 4, value2: 4, additionalArg: hello
console.log(set7) // Set { 1, 2, 'a', 'b', [], [ 4 ] }, original set NOT modified


  • Javascript Set represent set in Math with unique values
  • Set is fast O(1) to add and check existence of element.