Linked List data structure

This tutorial is a part of the Data Structures and Algorithms class:

Linked List: high level vs. on RAM vs. on code

Linked List data structure:

  • contains a list of nodes, linked together in a linear order.
  • each node contains: data and the address of the next node.
  • Real life applications: pre-determined waypoints for vehicles like: airplanes, satellites, shipping boats, self-driving cars, ..., implementation of stack, queue, ...

linked list

Shallow copy vs. deep copy in Javascript

In Javascript:

  • assigning a new variable to an existing one means shallow copy (also known as referencing). In your code, two variables (original + new) are holding the same address to a memory space, which contains the data.
  • shallow copy will have the same changes made on the original variable and vice versa.
  • only when the original variable is reconstructed (reassigned to a new value), the shallow copy will have its own copy of the data.

shallow vs deep copy

let original = { a: 123 }
const shallowCopy = original
const deepCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(original))

console.log('original:', original) // original: { a: 123 }
console.log('shallowCopy:', shallowCopy) // shallowCopy: { a: 123 }
console.log('deepCopy:', deepCopy) // deepCopy: { a: 123 }

// modify original
original.a = 456
console.log('original:', original) // original: { a: 456 }
console.log('shallowCopy:', shallowCopy) // shallowCopy: { a: 456 }
console.log('deepCopy:', deepCopy) // deepCopy: { a: 123 }

// modify shallow copy
shallowCopy.a = 999
console.log('original:', original) // original: { a: 999 }
console.log('shallowCopy:', shallowCopy) // shallowCopy: { a: 999 }
console.log('deepCopy:', deepCopy) // deepCopy: { a: 123 }

// re-assign original
original = { b: 789 }
console.log('original:', original) // original: { b: 789 }
console.log('shallowCopy:', shallowCopy) // shallowCopy: { a: 999 }
console.log('deepCopy:', deepCopy) // deepCopy: { a: 123 }
$ node shallow-copy-vs-deep-copy.js
original: { a: 123 }
shallowCopy: { a: 123 }
deepCopy: { a: 123 }
original: { a: 456 }
shallowCopy: { a: 456 }
deepCopy: { a: 123 }
original: { a: 999 }
shallowCopy: { a: 999 }
deepCopy: { a: 123 }
original: { b: 789 }
shallowCopy: { a: 999 }
deepCopy: { a: 123 }

Build Linked List data structure

linked list implementation

// structure of a node
class Node {
  constructor(data) { = data = null

// build Linked List data structure
class LinkedList {
  constructor() {
    this.head = null
    this.length = 0

  insert(element) {
    const newNode = new Node(element)
    if(this.head === null) {
      this.head = newNode
    } else {
      let currentNode = this.head
      while( {
        currentNode =
      } = newNode

  delete(element) {
    let currentNode = this.head
    let previousNode

    // if the 1st node is the element to delete,
    // point the head to the 2nd node
    if( === element) {
      this.head =
    // else, keep examine each node to find the element to delete
    } else {
      while( !== element) {
        previousNode = currentNode
        currentNode =
      // found, link `next` of previous node to the next node
      // (removing found element from the list) =

  search(element) {
    let currentNode = this.head

    while(currentNode && !== element) {
      currentNode =

    return currentNode

// create a linked list
const linkedList = new LinkedList()
console.log(linkedList) // LinkedList { head: null, length: 0 }
$ node linked-list-data-structure.js
LinkedList { head: null, length: 0 }

How to insert/delete/access/search data

// insert
// LinkedList { head: Node { data: 'a', next: null }, length: 1 }

// LinkedList { head: Node { data: 'a', next: Node { data: 'b', next: null } }, length: 2 }

// delete
// LinkedList { head: Node { data: 'b', next: null }, length: 1 }

// search

// Node { data: 'e', next: null }

// null
$ node linked-list-data-structure.js
LinkedList { head: Node { data: 'a', next: null }, length: 1 }
LinkedList {
  head: Node { data: 'a', next: Node { data: 'b', next: null } },
  length: 2
LinkedList { head: Node { data: 'b', next: null }, length: 1 }
Node { data: 'e', next: null }

Doubly Linked List

The main difference between Doubly Linked List and Singly Linked List:

  • Doubly Linked List: node-to-node travel is both way, head -> tail and tail -> head.
  • Singly Linked List: node-to-node travel is one way, head -> tail.

doubly linked list

How fast to insert/delete/access/search data

Data Structure Insert Delete Access Search
Linked List +
Doubly Linked List
O(1): at head
O(n): at random
O(1): at head
O(n): at random
N/A O(n)

⬆️ Time complexity (worst case) per operation

Real life interview questions

  1. What is the Linked List data structure usually used for? Give 3 different examples.
  2. How do you insert/delete/access/search with Linked List data structure?
  3. What is the Time Complexity of Linked List data structure on insert/delete/access/search operation?
  4. Write your own Doubly Linked List data structure with these operations: insert, delete, search. Make it O(1) access to both head and tail of the list.
  5. Use what you've learnt to redesign Queue data structure to improve dequeue operation to O(1).
  6. Solve Leetcode #21: Merge Two Sorted Lists.