Tree data structure part 4/5: understanding function call stack and recursion

This tutorial is a part of the Data Structures and Algorithms class:

Understanding function call stack in Javascript

Javascript function call stack is a stack:

  • to keep track of the chronological order (top -> down, left -> right) which the functions are called.
  • this is how computer process a function which depends on output(s) of another function(s).
  • max stack size varies, depends on browser implementation. Ex: Safari 9: 63444, Chrome 51: 41753.
  • if we're not careful in our program and exhaust the max stack size, it'll crash the program.
  • the next function will not be executed if the current function is not done. Important note for recursion!

call stack

const getStockPrice = () => 10
const getPurchasePrice = (volume) => volume * getStockPrice()
const getAvailableCash = () => 300

console.log(getAvailableCash()) // 300
console.log(getPurchasePrice(20)) // 200
$ node function-call-stack.js

Understanding recursion

  • Formal definition: Recursion is defined by two properties: 1. a simple base case (or cases), a terminating scenario that does not use recursion to produce an answer. 2. a recursive step, a set of rules that reduces all successive cases toward the base case.
  • In the call stack: all cases stack up to wait for the base case(s) output(s).
  • Informal definition Recursive function = function calls itself (usually with different input).
  • Recursion function processes data point after data point with the same logic by calling itself. This might sound strange to human intuition, but it makes perfect sense for computer.
  • Data passed into recursive call should gradually exhaust. Otherwise, callstack errors exceed max size.
// function to return factorial (n!) of a given number `n`
const factorial = (n) => {
  console.log('n:', n)
  if(n === 1) return 1
  return n * factorial(n - 1)
// 3! = 3 * 2 * 1 = 6
console.log(factorial(3)) // 6, [all cases stack up to WAIT FOR BASE CASE OUTPUT]

factorial recursion

$ node recursion-factorial.js
n: 3
n: 2
n: 1

Understanding multiple recursive calls within a function

// function to return a Fibonacci number at a position `n`
// Fibonacci sequence: F = 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ...
const fib = (n) => {
  console.log('n:', n)
  if(n === 0) return 0
  if(n === 1) return 1
  return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

console.log(fib(4)) // 3

fibonacci recursion

$ node recursion-fibonacci.js
n: 4
n: 3
n: 2
n: 1
n: 0
n: 1
n: 2
n: 1
n: 0

Real life interview questions

  1. Draw the call stack, recursion tree for fib function with this change: return fib(n - 2) + fib(n - 1). What difference do you see?
  2. Now you know about recursion, revisit Binary Search Tree data structure and build your own methods for: insert, exist, remove, findMin, findMax.