Tree data structure part 5/5: extracting useful information from tree using recursion: PreOrder, InOrder, PostOrder and more

*Prerequisite: Tree data structure part 4/5: understanding function call stack and recursion.

This tutorial is a part of the Data Structures and Algorithms class:

Extracting useful information from tree with recursion

At this point, you should have a pretty good understanding how function call stack and recursion works. We will now apply this knowledge to extract useful information from tree by using recursion. Reminder:

Human thought Human action Equivalent computer execution
looking at data see the whole tree at a time look at one node at a time + apply logic to only current node + use loop/recursion to visit all nodes
node selection freely select nodes as asked use Stack or Queue or change position of recursive call to control the order of node selection

Traverse means walk, tree traversal means walking the tree. Tree traversal is just a fancy name for tree node visitation in a particular order. With recursion, we have 3 popular, official traversal names: PreOrder, InOrder and PostOrder traversal.

PreOrder traversal

Usefulness of this order of node visitation: whenever it gives value to your application.


// Binary Search Tree, without self-balancing
class BinarySearchTree {

  // ...
  // preorder traversal
  preOrder() {
    if (this.root == null) {
      return null
    } else {
      var result = []
      return result

      function traversePreOrder(node) {
        node.left && traversePreOrder(node.left)
        node.right && traversePreOrder(node.right)
  // ...
$ node binary-search-tree-data-structure.js
preOrder(): [ 6, 4, 1, 5, 8, 10 ]

InOrder traversal

Usefulness of this order of node visitation: BST print min -> max and whenever it gives value to your application.


// Binary Search Tree, without self-balancing
class BinarySearchTree {

  // ...
  // inorder traversal (print min -> max)
  inOrder() {
    if (this.root == null) {
      return null
    } else {
      var result = []
      return result

      function traverseInOrder(node) {
        node.left && traverseInOrder(node.left)
        node.right && traverseInOrder(node.right)
  // ...
$ node binary-search-tree-data-structure.js
inOrder(): [ 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 ]

PostOrder traversal

Usefulness of this order of node visitation: whenever it gives value to your application.


// Binary Search Tree, without self-balancing
class BinarySearchTree {

  // ...
  // postorder traversal
  postOrder() {
    if (this.root == null) {
      return null
    } else {
      var result = []
      return result

      function traversePostOrder(node) {
        node.left && traversePostOrder(node.left)
        node.right && traversePostOrder(node.right)
$ node binary-search-tree-data-structure.js
postOrder(): [ 1, 5, 4, 10, 8, 6 ]

PreOrder, InOrder, PostOrder traversal summary

preorder inorder postorder
push, left, right left, push, right left, right, push
node.left && traverse(node.left)
node.right && traverse(node.right)
node.left && traverse(node.left)
node.right && traverse(node.right)
node.left && traverse(node.left)
node.right && traverse(node.right)
print min -> max

3 lines of code, we have total 6 possible arrangements. 3 of them has offical names. The rest 3 doesn't. But they actually have the same usefulness. For simplicity, we can call them: prereversedorder, inreversedorder and postreversedorder. Discover them yourself!

How fast to insert/delete/access/search data

Data Structure Insert Delete Access Search
Tree O(n) O(n) N/A O(n)
Binary Tree O(n) O(n) N/A O(n)
Unbalanced Binary Search Tree
findMin, findMax: O(n)
O(n) O(n) N/A O(n)
Balanced Binary Search Tree
(AVL tree/Red-Black tree)
findMin, findMax: O(logn)
O(logn) O(logn) N/A O(logn)

⬆️ Time complexity (worst case) per operation

Algorithms: how to extract useful information out of input

Common input Problem type/human thought Equivalent computer programming
Tree Visit nodes in a particular order. use loop/recursion to visit all nodes, use stack/queue or change position of recursive call to control the order of node visitation.

orders of node visitation

Real life interview questions

  1. Draw call stack + recursion tree for PreOrder traversal.
  2. Draw call stack + recursion tree for InOrder traversal.
  3. Draw call stack + recursion tree for PostOrder traversal.
  4. Randomly choose one of: PreReversedOrder, InReversedOrder and PostReversedOrder traversal, draw call stack + recursion tree for it.
  5. Solve problem 3, 4 in popular tree problems.
  6. Solve Leetcode #99: Recover Binary Search Tree
  7. Solve Leetcode #124: Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
  8. Solve Leetcode #515: Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row