Dynamic Programming part 3, Sam's DP example 1: Climbing Stairs (2 choices)

*Prerequisite: The Modern Law of Dynamic Programming Part 1 & 2.

This tutorial is a part of the Data Structures and Algorithms class:

Step 0: is it a multi-stage decision making process problem?

lc 70 is it a dp problem

Step 1: solve the problem with pen and paper, then code DFS state tree

climb stairs step 1

// Sam's DP, Leetcode #70: https://leetcode.com/problems/climbing-stairs/description/

// step 1: full branch out
function climbStairsStep1(n) {

  const dfs = (n) => {

    console.log('n:', n)

    if(n == 0) return
    if(n < 0) return

    dfs(n - 1) // 1 step
    dfs(n - 2) // 2 steps

$ node climbing-stairs.js
n: 3
n: 2
n: 1
n: 0
n: -1
n: 0
n: 1
n: 0
n: -1
climbStairsStep1 3: undefined

Step 2: calculate the information asked, bottom-up

climb stairs step 2

// step 2: calculation
function climbStairsStep2(n) {

  const dfs = (n) => {

    if(n == 0) return 1
    if(n < 0) return 0

    return dfs(n - 1) + dfs(n - 2)

  return dfs(n)
$ node climbing-stairs.js
climbStairsStep2 3: 3

Step 3: cache distinct DFS calls

climb stairs step 3

// step 3: cache
function climbStairsStep3(n) {

  const cache = {}
  const dfs = (n) => {

    if(n == 0) return 1
    if(n < 0) return 0

    if(cache[n] != undefined) {
      return cache[n]
    } else {
      // console.log('n:', n)
      const ways = dfs(n - 1) + dfs(n - 2)
      cache[n] = ways
      return ways

  return dfs(n)

console.log('climbStairsStep1:', climbStairsStep1(3))
console.log('climbStairsStep2:', climbStairsStep2(3)) // 3
console.log('climbStairsStep3:', climbStairsStep3(3)) // 3

// console.time('no cache')
// console.log('climbStairsStep2:', climbStairsStep2(40)) // 3
// console.timeEnd('no cache') // no cache: 2251.742ms

// console.time('cached')
// console.log('climbStairsStep3:', climbStairsStep3(40)) // 3
// console.timeEnd('cached') // cached: 0.055ms
$ node climbing-stairs.js
climbStairsStep3 3: 3
climbStairsStep2 40: 165580141
no cache: 2235.300ms
climbStairsStep3 40: 165580141
cached: 0.054ms

Testing with Leetcode test cases

climbing stairs lc

Characteristics of problems can be solved by Sam's DP

Problem Input characteristics Algorithm Time
Multi-stage decision making process (Dynamic Programming problems) - any (array, string, graph, ...) Sam's DP O(states created)

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Real life interview questions

Type 1: a few choices

Type 2: n choices

Type 3: full data point combinations

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