Depth First Search algorithm

*Prerequisite: Graph data structure.

This tutorial is a part of the Data Structures and Algorithms class:

Part 1 (05:46):

Part 2 (11:58):

Part 3 (05:46):

What is Depth First Search algorithm?

  • Depth First Search (DFS): visits all nodes. Only visit a node one time.
  • DFS: search as deep as you can first. How deep? Can go no further deep. Then next new possible depth.
  • DFS usefulness: problem that visiting nodes in depth is useful.
  • Always use Stack to implement DFS algorithm.

dfs simple

// Depth First Search implementation in purest form

// relationship between nodes
const graph5 = [
  [1, 2], // SFO, index 0
  [0, 2, 3], // ORD, index 1
  [0, 1, 3, 4], // DEN, index 2
  [1, 2, 4], // JFK, index 3
  [2, 3], // IAH, index 4

// nodes' information
const idxToAirport = {
  '0': { name: 'SFO' },
  '1': { name: 'ORD' },
  '2': { name: 'DEN' },
  '3': { name: 'JFK' },
  '4': { name: 'IAH' }

const depthFirstSearchPure = (initNodeIdx) => {
  const result = []
  const seen = new Set()
  const stack = [initNodeIdx] // REMEMBER to use a proper stack data structure IRL

  console.log('Starting airport: ', idxToAirport[initNodeIdx].name)

  while(stack.length > 0) {

    const curNodeIdx = stack.pop() // pop the stack

    // if we've never seen this node before, process,
    // otherwise, ignore the node
    if(!seen.has(curNodeIdx)) {

      seen.add(curNodeIdx) // add this node to seen list

      const curNodeNeighbors = graph5[curNodeIdx] // get the neighbors

      curNodeNeighbors.forEach(nodeIdx => 
        !seen.has(nodeIdx) && stack.push(nodeIdx)) // push neighbor on top
      result.push(idxToAirport[curNodeIdx].name) // save current node to result

      console.log('result: ', result)

depthFirstSearchPure(0) // result: [ 'SFO', 'DEN', 'IAH', 'JFK', 'ORD' ]
$ node depth-first-search-pure.js
Starting airport:  SFO
result:  [ 'SFO' ]
result:  [ 'SFO', 'DEN' ]
result:  [ 'SFO', 'DEN', 'IAH' ]
result:  [ 'SFO', 'DEN', 'IAH', 'JFK' ]
result:  [ 'SFO', 'DEN', 'IAH', 'JFK', 'ORD' ]

Depth First Search example 1: search with graph, TOP -> DOWN

sales path loop top down

// Sales path DFS Loop style

// prepare path data
let nodeCount = 1

// Constructor to create a new Node
function Node(cost) {
  this.cost = cost
  this.children = [] = nodeCount++

var root = new Node(0)
root.children.push(new Node(5))
root.children.push(new Node(3))
root.children.push(new Node(6))
root.children[0].children.push(new Node(4))
root.children[1].children.push(new Node(2))
root.children[1].children.push(new Node(0))
root.children[2].children.push(new Node(1))
root.children[2].children.push(new Node(5))
root.children[1].children[0].children.push(new Node(1))
root.children[1].children[1].children.push(new Node(10))
root.children[1].children[0].children[0].children.push(new Node(1))
// console.log(JSON.stringify(root, null, 4))

// done preparing path data

// depth first search on sales path, using WHILE LOOP
const dfsSalesPath = (node) => {
  const seen = new Set()
  const stack = [node] // REMEMBER to use a proper stack data structure IRL
  const path = [] // current path
  const paths = [] // all possible paths

  while(stack.length > 0) {


    const curNode = stack.pop() // pop the stack

    // if we see a separator
    if(curNode === '|') {
      path.pop() // remove parent node from path
      continue // and continue to next node
    } else { // if not
      path.push(curNode.cost) // save current node into path

    // if we've never seen this node before, process,
    // otherwise, ignore the node
    if(!seen.has( {

      seen.add( // add this node to seen list
      let seenAllChildNodes = true
      let pushedSeparator = false

      curNode.children.forEach(node => {
        if(!seen.has( {
          if(pushedSeparator === false) {
            pushedSeparator = true
          stack.push(node) // push neighbor on top
          seenAllChildNodes = false

      // pop the current path when we're at a leaf node
      // or all adjacent nodes have been visited
      if (
        curNode.children.length === 0 || // at leaf node
        seenAllChildNodes // or have seen all adjacent nodes
      ) {
          path.reduce((partialSum, cut) =>  partialSum + parseInt(cut), 0)

      // console.log("path:", path)

  return paths

console.log('all possible paths & costs:', dfsSalesPath(root))

// print node `cost` instead of the whole node object
function printStack (stack) {
  const print = []
  for(let el of stack) {
    if(el === '|') {
    } else {
  console.log('stack:', print)
$ node sales-path-with-loop.js 
stack: [ 0 ]
stack: [ '|', 5, 3, 6 ]
stack: [ '|', 5, 3, '|', 1, 5 ]
stack: [ '|', 5, 3, '|', 1 ]
stack: [ '|', 5, 3, '|' ]
stack: [ '|', 5, 3 ]
stack: [ '|', 5, '|', 2, 0 ]
stack: [ '|', 5, '|', 2, '|', 10 ]
stack: [ '|', 5, '|', 2, '|' ]
stack: [ '|', 5, '|', 2 ]
stack: [ '|', 5, '|', '|', 1 ]
stack: [ '|', 5, '|', '|', '|', 1 ]
stack: [ '|', 5, '|', '|', '|' ]
stack: [ '|', 5, '|', '|' ]
stack: [ '|', 5, '|' ]
stack: [ '|', 5 ]
stack: [ '|', '|', 4 ]
stack: [ '|', '|' ]
stack: [ '|' ]
all possible paths & costs: [
  [ '0,6,5', 11 ],
  [ '0,6,1', 7 ],
  [ '0,3,0,10', 13 ],
  [ '0,3,2,1,1', 7 ],
  [ '0,5,4', 9 ]

Depth First Search example 2: search with graph, BOTTOM -> UP

sales path dfs recursion bottom up

// Sales path DFS recursion style

// prepare path data
let nodeCount = 1

// Constructor to create a new Node
function Node(cost) {
  this.cost = cost
  this.children = [] = nodeCount++

var root = new Node(0)
root.children.push(new Node(5))
root.children.push(new Node(3))
root.children.push(new Node(6))
root.children[0].children.push(new Node(4))
root.children[1].children.push(new Node(2))
root.children[1].children.push(new Node(0))
root.children[2].children.push(new Node(1))
root.children[2].children.push(new Node(5))
root.children[1].children[0].children.push(new Node(1))
root.children[1].children[1].children.push(new Node(10))
root.children[1].children[0].children[0].children.push(new Node(1))
// console.log(JSON.stringify(root, null, 4))

// done preparing path data

// depth first search on sales path, recursion style
const dfsSalesPathRecursion = (rootNode) => {
  return cost(rootNode)
  function cost(node) {
    if(node.children.length == 0) { // base case, aka exit condition
      console.log('leaf cost:', node.cost)
      return node.cost
    } else {
      let costs = new Array(node.children.length)
      for(let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
        costs[i] = node.cost + cost(node.children[i])
      console.log('min from costs:', costs)
      return Math.min.apply(null, costs)

console.log('cheapest path cost:', dfsSalesPathRecursion(root)) // 7
$ node sales-path-bottom-up-recursion.js
leaf cost: 4
min from costs: [ 9 ]
leaf cost: 1
min from costs: [ 2 ]
min from costs: [ 4 ]
leaf cost: 10
min from costs: [ 10 ]
min from costs: [ 7, 13 ]
leaf cost: 1
leaf cost: 5
min from costs: [ 7, 11 ]
min from costs: [ 9, 7, 7 ]
cheapest path cost: 7

Depth First Search example 3: search with matrix

flood fill

// Leetcode #733 Flood fill:

// DFS flood fill
 var floodFill = function(image, sr, sc, color) {

  console.log('image:', image)

  const stack = [[sr, sc]] // REMEMBER to use a proper stack data structure IRL
  const seen = new Set()
  while(stack.length > 0) {

      // console.log(stack)

      const [curSr, curSc] = stack.pop() // pop the stack
      const curPosStr = '' + curSr + curSc

      // if we never seen this node before, process
      if(!seen.has(curPosStr)) {

          const floodVal = image[curSr][curSc] // get starting pixel value
          image[curSr][curSc] = color // update starting pixel to `color`

          const neighbors = [ // list of all possible neighbors
              [curSr + 1, curSc],
              [curSr - 1, curSc],
              [curSr, curSc + 1],
              [curSr, curSc - 1],

          for(let [nSr, nSc] of neighbors) { // for each neighbor
              const nPosStr = '' + nSr + nSc
                  !seen.has(nPosStr) && // never seen
                  nSr >= 0 && nSr < image.length && // within image width
                  nSc >= 0 && nSc < image[0].length && // within image height
                  image[nSr][nSc] == floodVal // same pixel value with started pixel
              ) {
                  stack.push([nSr, nSc]) // push node on top the stack
  } // otherwise, ignore

  return image

const image = [
  [1, 1, 1, 0, 1],
  [1, 1, 1, 0, 1],
  [1, 1, 0, 1, 1],
  [1, 1, 0, 0, 1],
const sr = 1
const sc = 1
const color = 2

console.log('flood filled image:', floodFill(image, sr, sc, color))
$ node flood-fill.js
image: [
  [ 1, 1, 1, 0, 1 ],
  [ 1, 1, 1, 0, 1 ],
  [ 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 ],
  [ 1, 1, 0, 0, 1 ]
flood filled image: [
  [ 2, 2, 2, 0, 1 ],
  [ 2, 2, 2, 0, 1 ],
  [ 2, 2, 0, 1, 1 ],
  [ 2, 2, 0, 0, 1 ]

Typical problems solved by Depth First Search algorithm

Identify the nodes, construct the graph, apply node discovery pattern.

Problem BFS DFS
Node visitation pattern breadth first (layers)
bfs compare
depth first (start <-> end)
dfs compare
Visit all nodes, each once
Shortest path (equal edges)
Shortest path (UN-equal edges)
(use Bellman-Ford)
Think Top -> Down
Think Bottom -> Up
Cycle detection
Is a graph bipartite


Prob. class P. sub-class Input characteristics Algorithm Time
(almost) ANY problem class array, matrix, ... Brute Force O(n) & up
Can try with any problem type - pass split test
- array, string or graph, ...
- divide, solve, combine gives a possible solution
Divide and Conquer O(nlogn)
- accessing 2 data points at a time is useful
- closing in the pointers proven to give a correct answer
- usually array or string
Two Pointers O(n)
1. Maximization
2. Minimization
array, string or graph, ... Greedy choice,
no guarantee for most optimal solution
3. Find all options array, matrix, ... Brute Force O(n) & up
4. Find most optimal solution
5. Find a truth search for a number - sorted array
or balanced BST
Binary Search O(logn)
accessing a few consecutive data points at the same time is necessary/useful - usually array or string Slding Window O(n)
- shortest path, equal edge weight
- node visitation layer by layer
- graph or matrix Breadth First Search O(n)
- think top down, think bottom up
- node visitation go full depth first
- graph or matrix Depth First Search O(n)

Real life interview questions

  1. How does Depth First Search solve problems?
  2. What kind of problems can typically be solved by Depth First Search?
  3. Recalculate the Complexity of the problems above.
  4. Redo the problems above. You should be able to quickly explain how the algorithm works and implement each of them within 15 mins.
  5. Redo example 1 and 3 with recursion.
  6. Draw the calltack and explain how DFS bottom-up code works in example 2.
  7. What are the differences of node visiting & collection between DFS Top-Down and Bottom-Up? Why are there such differences? What kind of problems can we solve with such patterns.
  8. (Medium) Leetcode #2368. Reachable Nodes With Restrictions
  9. (Medium) Leetcode #841. Keys and Rooms
  10. (Easy) Leetcode #1971. Find if Path Exists in Graph
  11. (Medium) Leetcode #1466. Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero
  12. (Medium) Leetcode #797. All Paths From Source to Target
  13. (Medium) Leetcode #207. Course Schedule
  14. More on Leetcode #depth-first-search.